Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cold Run Done Right...almost

So I made it outside for a run yesterday! 3.02 miles at a 12:02 min/mile pace.

It was around 25 degrees (feels like 16 I think). I wore the following:
  • Sports Bra (obv)
  • Short sleeve tech shirt
  • Long sleeve tech shirt
  • Scarf
  • Headband
  • Coat with Fleece on the inside, wind resistance on the outside with a hood
  • Gloves
  • My new tights
  • A pair of shorts
  • Thick socks (that went up to my ankle and were tucked into my pants)
  • Tennis Shoes
So my top half, my head, my hands and my feet were all warm and toasty. I was feeling good. But my legs were cold! I should have worn another pair of tights or my wind resistant pants on top of my tights. I liked my tights a lot and in forty degree weather I'm sure they'd be great! But in 25 degree weather they were just not cutting it. I needed another layer bad.

When I got home I got in the shower and afterwards I got my usual running chills, but my legs were bad cold. Like sweat pants and two blankets weren't enough. So after dinner I got in the bath tub to warm up. That helped but then I felt too warm. I got a bad headache and felt nauseous. Then I proceeded to fall asleep on the couch at 7:30. 7:30!! That's not right.

Now I don't know if the reason for my after run behavior, but I'm assuming in some way I overdid it. I'm thinking of taking today off to recover. Maybe do a little Tara Stiles Yoga? I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm not dead...just lazy

So I promise I'm not dead. I really am just lazy when it comes to blogging. But I'm going to make every effort to blog more so I can (at the very least) keep up with my progress.

It has been crazy cold lately. Like it was -3 one day...which happened to be the same day the heat wasn't working in my office. What is that you ask? Oh yes, it is hard to type with gloves on.

So needless to say running has been more sporadic than I'd like. I've been unfortunately running on the treadmill when I have to, although usually just two miles because I get so freaking bored.

I did manage to run outside on Sunday when it was a glorious 55 degrees and sunny. A perfect four mile run!

On Monday I finally got my Under Armour ColdGear Cozy Tight Pants (apparently I've been wearing the wrong kind of tights for winter running).

And I'm excited to try them out today. It's suppose to be 25 and sunny when I get home from work. I'm a little worried I'll still be cold, but I figure I can always throw on my wind breaker pants on top if need be. I'll let you know how it goes!