Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Losing Flexibility

Last week I only made it to one yoga class, on Tuesday. Thursday I got caught up at work on a phone call so I missed class. But I did go for a run, so it wasn't a total fail.

The problem is that left me with only one class for a full week. My grandmother, who practices yoga regularly, told me that you can lose flexibility quicker than you would think. Well she wasn't kidding! I went to yoga last night and I could definitely tell a decrease in just one week! Makes me realize I really can't flake out if I want to remain flexible. Maybe I need to purchase that Tara Stiles DVD series I've been eying?

Other than that, it was a pretty successful class. Wasn't the best by any means this time due to missing class last Thursday and the super good girl was back showing off. Don't get me wrong, she's awesome and I want to be like her one day. But until then, she's a showoff. :)

New pose this week: Eagle Legs. We do Eagle Arms all the time, but this week we combined them with Eagle Legs. I was surprisingly stable through this pose.


  1. Hi, April! I love it that you're practicing yoga! And how cool to document it for others and yourself. I miss it so much -- these days I can't find the time for a 90 min class, but hope to pick it up again this summer. Hope you're doing well! **hugs**

  2. Hey Ryan! Thanks for the comment! I'm really loving it and all the changes I'm seeing in my flexibility and movement. I hate that it took me so long to discover it! I can understand having trouble finding time for it. When I was in grad school I didn't have time for any kind of regular exercise especially a 90 minute class! Let me know when you get back into it. I love hearing how it effects other people. Miss you guys!
