Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Power Yoga Class

Oh. My. Gosh. That was a tough class. The class is called "Power Yoga" and is described as "A more intense flow yoga class designed to get the heart rate up and then a strong mat-stretching cool-down." Intense does not begin to cover it for me. It was like there was no chance for my legs to take a break. With all the one legged dogs and warrior three's and crescent poses (see below, photos from, I could not get my muscles to calm down. My legs were shaking so bad and I felt like reprimanding them "Stop that legs, you are embarrassing me!" 
One Legged Dog
Warrior Three

The thing was I was breathing hard and sweating and my legs were trembling, but overall I was in a calmed state. I wasn't thinking I can't wait until this class is over, I was thinking "Okay, just hold this pose a little longer and then the next pose certain muscles will get a break and you'll make it through." Obviously I did. 

And...I loved it! Truly, it was hard, but not to the point of no return. I will be going back on Tuesday to the beginner class. (I've been practicing waking up earlier to make it to class on time).

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