Thursday, February 28, 2013

Foot Cramp During Yoga

So I haven't had a chance to write in the last few days so here's a quick recap of the last few days:

Monday: Went for another run and it went much, much better. I started off slower and ran for less time at first. It ended up being quite enjoyable and helped relieve my sore muscles.

Tuesday: Back to yoga finally. I thought it would be an especially difficult class since it had been a week since I'd been to yoga, but my muscles actually felt stronger, I'm guessing from running the past two days. I was able to move from a low lunge to a forward fold in one step.

Wednesday: No exercising. Ate pizza instead. A lot of pizza...

Today: Went to yoga and felt pretty successful. I did the best one legged dog I've ever done. Granted it was short lived, but for a few seconds both legs were straight and the leg that was up in the air was as high as the girl's next to me was (who seemed like an expert. Not sure what she was doing in the beginner yoga class).

One bad thing did happen. I got a terrible cramp in my foot while trying to go from pidgin to dancer. I guess I need more potassium? Not sure, but it was pretty unpleasant.

Tomorrow is a free day unless you count dancing to a funk/jazz band exercise (which I totally do). Then Saturday it's finally back to Power Yoga.

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